
Story About Us

WeNetworkNow (WNN) was created to address long-standing barriers to professional success within the African diaspora in Minnesota and beyond, such as a lack of collaboration, cultural exchange, networking, and mentorship. The organization was founded by Mamady Konneh, who emigrated to Minnesota (via Wisconsin) from his home country of Guinea Conakry at the age of 19. Mr. Konneh soon realized that navigating the path to professional success in America required additional guidance and support. When he asked his parents about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) process, they were unfamiliar with it, highlighting the need for a broader support network. Seeking advice from his community, he observed a need for greater collaboration among the different groups within the African diaspora. Inspired by this experience, he was determined to harness the collective knowledge of this vibrant community to provide support to young professionals and students of African descent as they navigated the complex pathway to professional success in America.

To address these challenges, WNN was officially launched in January 2020 following 18 months of extensive community surveys and interviews to best target the non-profit’s service offerings. The inaugural event saw attendance from more than three dozen African professionals representing every region of Africa. Since 2020, WNN has hosted numerous educational and networking events in support of professionals of African descent residing in the Twin Cities and beyond.

Centering and uplifting the experiences and cultures of African immigrants is central to WNN’s identity; however, all are welcome at WNN’s professional development and mentorship programs. The organization takes pride in supporting refugees, immigrants, and anyone looking to better understand the path to professional success in the U.S. WNN demystifies the path to professional and personal success for immigrants, refugees, and first-generation Americans through networking events, workshops, and mentorship programs. WNN serves their membership through the following programs and events:

  • Networking Events: Provide members access to an array of talented professionals from different backgrounds and professions.
  • Workshops: Create virtual and in-person platforms for members to network and learn about different topics and skills relevant to forging a path to success in America.
  • Mentorship: Connect members to the right mentors and mentees for personal and professional development.
  • Connecting Community: Serve as a hub for members of the African diaspora to learn from one another and support mutual success.
  • Public Awareness: Develop cultural and societal awareness to shift predominant narratives regarding immigrant and refugee professional achievements through intersectional partnerships on local and national platforms.


Connect professionals of African descent to opportunities and demystify professional and personal success


Bridge the opportunity gap among professionals from African descent to facilitate networking, collaboration, and innovation


Connection, Collaboration, Celebration