Mindset for Continuous Growth with Okta

Networking Event: Meet & Learn

Punch Bowl Social 1691 Park Pl Blvd, St Louis Park,, MN

WeNetworkNow is an organization that connects professionals from African descent to opportunities via networking events, workshops, webinars, mentorship, and podcasting.


WeNetworkNow Launch Day

Hello Apartments 9201 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Washington, MN, United States

WeNetworkNow is an organization that connects professionals from African descent to opportunities via networking events, workshops, webinars, mentorship, and podcasting.


Networking Event: Meet & Learn

Stanley's Northeast Bar 2500 University Ave NE, minneapolis, MN, United States

WeNetworkNow is an organization that connects professionals from African descent to opportunities via networking events, workshops, webinars, mentorship, and podcasting.


Striving in a Moment of Crisis with Wisdom Primus

Online Event

In support of our communities and members, WeNetworknow was fortunate to book an NYT #1 bestseller, educator, and motivational speaker for a webinar, slated for 4/25 from 1 - 2:30 p.m. This webinar is geared towards providing us some tips on how to cope and cultivate healthy emotion during these challenging times. About our Speaker, […]
